Trees of Note
- Apr 02, 2018
- By John Parsons
- In Background to where we work.
Croft Parkland is noted for its trees, perhaps the most notable are the rows of Spanish Sweet Chestnut Trees, with their twisted trunks and the barks with their deep fissures. However if you are a lover of tress you don’t need to search for long to find other trees of note.
Some trees have taken on some amazing shapes and forms.
Some of the trees are natural regeneration others are planted deliberately.
Some trees take on different qualities depending on the season or the weather.
Nature has an impact sometimes in unusual ways.
Some trees we plant others we chop down.
People have been managing trees, on what is today a parkland, for centuries. The ageing trees tell a story of the past. Today we are planting and managing for the future and it is very satisfying.
John Parsons
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